(Christ Church Unity of San Diego)


Please Click here to go to our new website.


3770 Altadena Avenue  San Diego, Ca  92105-3099
619-280-2501   ccu@unitysandiego.org


Please bring your family and friends to these special services.


Rev. Blair Tabor
Unity San Diego
3770 Altadena Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105-3009 
(619) 280-2501 ext. 107







Welcome home to Unity!

If you're one of the “spiritual but not religious” people who questions your childhood faith or is looking for something more, this Web site may feel like a homecoming.

You may be one of the millions of people who have embarked on their own spiritual path. If so, you have just discovered a whole community of people like yourself. It is Unity – a spiritual movement that honors all paths to God; sees God as good and everywhere present; and affirms the spark of Divinity in all of us. Unity also offers a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity, regarding Jesus as the great example rather than the great exception. Unity interprets the Bible metaphysically rather than literally. Have you ever imagined that the Bible could be the story of your own life? It is just one of the tools available for powerful personal transformation. Join us here on this website or at our church for services, classes events and fellowship. We will be glad you did! Welcome home~

Whether you are visiting us only through this website, have attended our weekend celebration service, or discovered us through our classes or workshops, we welcome you here. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we will meet you there. We honor all paths to God, as we know we are all unique expressions of God in our world. We respect the truth wherever it is found, following specifically the truth teachings of Jesus Christ, our teacher and way-shower. If you are new to us please read on to learn more about Unity, our church and our beliefs.

Above picture is Lynne Brown, Director of silent Unity, presenting a plaque of appreciation to our church for all our years of support. Rev. Stevens, our founding minister and Blair Tabor, our current minister, receive the plaque on behalf of our church.

To hear some of our recent Sunday Lessons click here




Unity San Diego Church Prayer

The radiance of the Christ fills us to overflowing with the blessing of God’s love.

We give thanks for the divine activity of the Holy Spirit that establishes healing, abundant prosperity, joyous and loving relationships, guidance, wisdom and understanding that permeate all of our people and activities.

We are growing in God’s good.  Our services, classes and activities are filled with joyous, loving, supportive people, eager to grow in God’s truth and bless each other.

We and our church are beacons of infinite blessings.  The radiance of divine love attracts to us all that is necessary to be in joyful service to God and God’s children.

Divine Order operates joyously and completely in every aspect of our church and in every aspect of our lives.

We release all that is not of the Christ, all limiting beliefs, ideas and actions.

We incorporate the Christ consciousness in all our thoughts, words and actions.  We affirm peace in our lifetime.  The power of prayer is evident in mighty, healing, transforming ways.

Thank You, God, for Your continual infilling that establishes Your kingdom of blessing on earth.



© 2008 Christ Church Unity of San Diego